The alarm goes off.

You open your eyes.

Inside your head, it’s off to the races.

Did I rinse out Katie’s lunch box like I meant to? I know I didn’t do that last load of laundry this house is such a fucking mess.

I’m so unprepared for that meeting at lunch today. I’m going to look like an idiot. What if I get fired?

I can’t believe I hit snooze, I was supposed to go to the gym this morning. I’m going to die of heart disease and it will be my fault.

What time did Ryan go to bed? Why don’t we go to bed at the same time? We’ve lost the magic, we don’t have enough sex, he/she’s probably unhappy with me, what if they don’t love me anymore.

It’s only 7:01 a.m and your brain is already halfway through the list of everything you’re doing wrong, everything that’s going wrong, and why you are to blame for it all.

And the worst part?

Your brain has got another 16 hours of tape ready to roll. It won’t stop spinning until you go to sleep again – if you can even fall asleep with all of that chatter in your mind.

To everyone else, it looks like you’ve got it all handled. You’re managing everything. Maybe a small stumble here or there, but on the whole, people marvel at how much you manage.

But on the inside, you feel like you’re on a high-wire act. Sure, things may look under control, but one wrong step and it feels like you’ll tumble all the way down.

And oh does your brain LOVE to tell you about all the wrong steps you’re making, or might be making, or made in the past.

Which means that even when things are going well in your life, you don’t really get to fully enjoy it because your brain is still finding fault and predicting imminent doom.

And when things aren’t going well? Well your brain has plenty to say about why that’s all your fault too.


But it’s not your fault. It’s not even really your brain’s fault.

In fact, your brain is just doing what it evolved to do.

It’s trying to keep you safe by using anxiety to motivate you to conform to social norms and expectations.

Because society teaches women that they are responsible for everything.

You’re not only responsible for doing your job perfectly, you’re also responsible for making sure everyone else can do their jobs perfectly and being responsive 24/7 to anyone who needs you.

You’re not only responsible for feeding and clothing and cleaning for yourself, but for every other human and animal that may live in your house.

You’re not only responsible for your side of a healthy communicative loving relationship, but you’re responsible for acting exactly the right way to make your partner show up perfectly too, and if they don’t, you probably did something wrong.

You’re not only responsible for parenting, you’re responsible for every thought, feeling, and decision your child ever makes and it’s your job to ensure they are happy forever and nothing bad ever happens to them even after you’re gone.

You’re not only responsible for your own life, you’re also responsible for climate change, world peace, and eradicating hunger across the globe – or at least, even if you intellectually know you can’t do all that single-handedly, you still feel guilty and ashamed for not having done enough to help.

That’s a LOT to take care of.

In fact, it’s too much.

Women crowded together over a book.

Society teaches women OVER-responsibility.

We learn we are responsible for everything, and that the only way to be accepted, safe, and loved is to accept and internalize that responsibility.

And then when we can’t actually control everything around us all the time and do it all, we feel anxious, guilty, and/or ashamed.

When really, the game was rigged from the start.

The good news is that we don’t have to change the entire foundations of society to give you relief from your anxious brain.

(I mean, I’m working on that! But I’d also like to help you feel better in the meantime.)

We just have to teach you to stop trying to mentally control everything outside of you and focus on controlling your brain itself.

That’s why I’ve created this brand new workshop.

Stop the Spin

Get Your Anxious Brain Back In Its Lane

September 25 @ 12 p.m. ET

This workshop combines evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology, and cultural perspectives to teach you how to understand what’s going on in your brain when that anxious spin starts up…and how you can learn to stop the spin for good.

In our hour together you’ll learn:

:: How social pressures hijack your brain’s survival system and cause stress.

:: How to identify when and where over-responsibility is creating anxiety for you.

:: The simple antidote to over-responsibility and how using it can reduce your anxiety, increase your confidence, and increase your joy. (Seriously.)

At the end of this training, I’ll also share how to work with me in-depth for those of you who really want to reduce or eliminate your anxiety, increase your confidence, and create a lot more emotional space in your life. Because teaching women how to calm down their over-anxious brains and create more space, ease, and joy in their lives is my favorite thing to do.

Kara’s live teaching and what she brings are like nothing I’ve ever seen. She is real, funny, and has been doing thought work long enough to really easily coach others and make such a great impact. The work is so refreshing, empowering, and more. Thank you!!! 


But one thing you should know is that this is NOT just a sales pitch. Because the truth is my free trainings offer more transformative power than most people’s paid offers.

That’s because a lot of coaches are just teaching what they learned from someone else. And there’s no shame in that, we need all the teachers we can get!

But I created the frameworks I teach. I built and developed the feminist mindset coaching model. In other words, I’m the one most of those other coaches learned what they are teaching from (quite literally!).


The author of the New York Times & USA Today #1 Bestseller Take Back Your Brain, host of the internationally top-ranked podcast UnF*ck Your Brain, and founder of The School of New Feminist Thought.

Today I’m the leading feminist mindset coach in the world, but I didn’t start out that way. I started out as a stressed-out double-Ivy League grad (Yale College, Harvard Law) who kept achieving my way to the top of my field but felt besieged with anxiety about my job performance, dating life, family relationships, friendships, and self-worth.

But nothing solved my problem because my anxiety was caused by over-responsibility. When I figured that out, I figured out how to solve it. Now I am a NYT-bestselling author, run a multiple-seven-figure business, am married to my perfect-for-me partner, have thriving friendships, health family boundaries, and most importantly, a great relationship with myself. It wasn’t magic. It was changing my thoughts. No gate-keeping here; now I make it my life’s mission to teach it to other women too.

I vividly remember what it was like to live every day filled with anxiety, shame, and dread.

To always feel like I was falling behind, failing to be perfect, and not living up to my potential.

To never feel like I had done enough, was good enough, or deserved to rest.

I wanted more from life than that.

And I want more for you too.

It’s possible to wake up and just feel…calm.

And it’s possible to stay that way no matter what your day brings.

It all starts with being willing to learn something new.

Let’s go.

Kara looking up beside a bust statue.

Join me for

Stop the Spin: Get Your Anxious Brain Back In Its Lane

September 25 @ 12 p.m. ET