Watch The Replay Below

The Feminist Mindset Bootcamp

LIVE experience

Master the thought work fundamentals.
Learn to coach yourself -- and watch your life transform.
This is 30 days to your complete feminist mindset overhaul.

Watch The Feminist Anxiety Fix Replay below!

Watch The Feminist Anxiety Fix Replay Below!

The Feminist Mindset Bootcamp

LIVE experience

Master the thought work fundamentals.
Learn to coach yourself -- and watch your life transform.
This is 30 days to your complete feminist mindset overhaul.

Join us for

The Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp

LIVE experience

Master the thought work fundamentals.
Learn to coach yourself — and watch your life transform.

This is 30 days to your complete feminist mindset overhaul.

Enroll by April 16th to access
the full 5-week experience + a month of Society access starting May 1st, for just $249!


When you join the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp, you’ll be gifted 30 days of total access to the Feminist Self-Help Society, my coaching program and community — for free!

Do you sometimes feel there's a voice in your head you can't control?

It sounds like you, which makes it feel like reality.

But something's not adding up.

You might hear it when…

You’re excitedly filling out a job application for an incredible opportunity on the other side of the country and the little voice pops up and says:

“Who are you to think that you could get this job? What would you even do in that city? How will you survive even if you get hired?”

The guy you went out with last night texts asking for date #2. You KNOW you should feel confident he’s interested. But there’s the voice again:

“He’s not really into you, he’s just bored. You were so loud last night at drinks, why would he want to see you again?”

You pick your daughter up from school and ask how her day was. When she rolls her eyes and shrugs. You know you shouldn’t take it personally, but that voice pipes up:

“You're a terrible mom. A real mom would be able to get an answer from her daughter on such a basic question.”

It's frustrating. You’re an empowered woman, you know your worth… at least, you think you do.

Yet even you have these kinds of thoughts way more often than you’d like.

Do you sometimes feel there’s a voice in your head you can’t control? 

It sounds like you, which makes it feel like reality.

But something’s not adding up.

You might hear it when…

You’re excitedly filling out a job application for an incredible opportunity on the other side of the country and the little voice pops up and says:

“Who are you to think that you could get this job? What would you even do in that city? How will you survive even if you get hired?”

The guy you went out with last night texts asking for date #2. You KNOW you should feel confident he’s interested. But there’s the voice again:

“He’s not really into you, he’s just bored. You were so loud last night at drinks, why would he want to see you again?”

You pick your daughter up from school and ask how her day was. When she rolls her eyes and shrugs. You know you shouldn’t take it personally, but that voice pipes up:

“You’re a terrible mom. A real mom would be able to get an answer from her daughter on such a basic question.”

It’s frustrating. You’re an empowered woman, you know your worth… at least, you think you do.

Yet even you have these kinds of thoughts way more often than you’d like.

The good news is: 

That voice, and those thoughts, aren’t reality.

They’re just stories you’re telling yourself — not because they’re true, but because a sexist society hellbent on keeping women small and “in their place” has drilled them into you over and over.

And those untrue thoughts (like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m too much”, and “I’m a terrible parent”) are what’s preventing you from creating the life you want.

And the better news is: you have the power to change your thoughts permanently

And I can teach you exactly how to do it.

It’s called thought work, an approach to self-coaching that’s key to creating permanent change, seeing possibilities you didn’t even know were there, and living an absolutely extraordinary life. 

(And, of course, kicking the patriarchy out of your brain for good.) 

Ready to get started, and master the fundamentals in just 30 days??

Enroll by April 16th to access the full Bootcamp experience starting May 1, PLUS 30 days of total access to The Feminist Self-Help Society for $249.

Welcome to the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp

This 30-day LIVE Bootcamp will teach you how to self-coach, and think in a way that changes everything -- a way that you choose for yourself. 

(Instead of the the way a sexist society taught you to think.) 

Welcome to the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp

This 30-day LIVE Bootcamp will teach you how to self-coach, and think in a way that changes  everything — a way that you choose for yourself.

(Instead of the the way a sexist society taught you to think.) ​

When you learn to change your thoughts
(and actually believe them)?

Real, incredible results like these start to happen:

You can show up as the cool and collected CEO of your own life…no matter what your title actually is!​

I’ve overcome my fear of success, landed a leadership role in a fantastic startup, improved my romantic relationship, recovered 90% from my people-pleasing tendencies, and am finally starting to live for myself instead of others. Now I’m in a healthy professional culture among smart, like-minded people who believe in me and want to see me succeed. I feel like my potential is quite literally UNLIMITED and I can handle anything that comes my way.

- Leah

You can say yes to that second date confidently knowing that if date 2 doesn’t go well? It’s not a reflection of your worth.​

A fantastic example of how thought work is the best thing ever is that I overcame a breakup within 3-4 months just by loving myself exquisitely, to use Kara’s term. Understanding that there’s nothing wrong with me … was a game changer. I was able to acknowledge and therefore grow my inherent value as a lovable woman. I dated and took “exquisite care” of myself. Guess what? Eleven months after, I met my current partner.

- Nitzaira

A fantastic example of how thought work is the best thing ever is that I overcame a breakup within 3-4 months just by loving myself exquisitely, to use Kara’s term. Understanding that there’s nothing wrong with me … was a game changer. I was able to acknowledge and therefore grow my inherent value as a lovable woman. I dated and took “exquisite care” of myself. Guess what? Eleven months after, I met my current partner.

- Nitzaira

You can say yes to that second date confidently knowing that if date 2 doesn’t go well? It’s not a reflection of your worth.​

You can show up for your kids with a level head and react based on what is actually happening, not the story you told yourself in your head. And a calm parent leads to a calm kid.

The tools I’ve learned have also radically affected my parenting. I am so much less attached to my kids’ outcomes. They can be mad or sad, they can fuss and cry, and I can still feel like I’m doing just fine because they are allowed to have the full human experience with me or with anything else in their lives. I’m so much less “grippy” as a parent. In fact, I’m less “grippy” with every major relationship in my life, but it’s most obvious as a parent.

- bethany

Now, it's your turn to experience that kind of transformation for yourself.  

Say yes to the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp, and let's get started.

Now, it’s your turn to experience that kind of transformation for yourself.  

Say yes to the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp, and let’s get started.

This 30-day, live Bootcamp is exactly what you need to reset your brain, learn to coach yourself, and take back control of your thoughts — and your life.

Enroll by 4/16 to access the full Bootcamp experience starting May 1, PLUS a month of total access to The Feminist Self-Help Society for $249.

But what will you learn exactly?

Here's how the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp breaks down, week by week:

But what will you learn exactly?

Here's how the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp breaks down, week by week:

Wednesday, May 1 at 1 p.m. ET 

Session 1

Thoughts vs. Circumstances: What Causes Anxiety and Other Emotions

Learn to isolate which thoughts are sparking certain emotions in your brain, so you can learn to stop the cycle.

Wednesday, May 8 at 1 p.m. ET 

Session 2

Feeling Feelings: How to Turn Down the Emotional Volume

Practice facing your emotions head on — without letting them take over. This is the key to ending your avoidance and procrastination, so you can do the things you say you want to!

Wednesday, May 15 at 1 p.m. ET 

Session 3

Actions and Returns: How to Change Your Behavior

Wednesday, May 22 at 1 p.m. ET 

Integration Week

Wednesday, May 29 at 1 p.m. ET 

Session 4

New Thoughts, Feelings, & Models: How to Create Any Life Outcome You Want

In the Bootcamp, you’ll learn the skill that changes everything:  How to coach yourself.

In the Bootcamp, you’ll learn the skill that changes everything:

 How to coach yourself.

Instead of paying an expensive life coach for a series of 1:1 sessions that cost as much as a new car, you’ll learn all the tools you need to change your life yourself.

  • Imagine how freeing it would feel to hit send on that job application knowing that you have all the qualifications and experience to knock it out of the park … and that you can thrive in whatever environment you find yourself in
  • Imagine how a disagreement with your partner would change when you feel secure and confident in yourself and your worth, and you’re clear about what you need, and where you can compromise.
  • Imagine how different the conversation with your daughter will be when you understand that her eye roll and attitude have nothing to do with you and everything to do with puberty … and that inner voice doesn’t argue with you.

Can your life be different in 30 days?

Can your life be different in 30 days?


Come find out for yourself inside the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp.

The adventure begins May 1.

And to make sure you get the most out of your investment?

When you join the Feminist Mindset Fix Bootcamp by Tuesday, April 16th, you’ll get a month of FREE bonus access to The Feminist Self-Help Society, my coaching program and community!

Curious to learn more about The Feminist Self-Help Society?  

Keep reading for details: 

Curious to learn more about The Feminist Self-Help Society?  

Keep reading for details: 




This foundational course, which starts May 1, teaches you the ground-breaking tools you’ll need to identify the thoughts creating socially-programmed anxiety and how to change them. You’ll literally learn how to train your brain to think better thoughts.


Live coaching calls, access to written coaching 24/7, a vast library of advice you can search whenever you want, and an empowering supportive community.

Your membership also gets you access to community study halls, our vibrant, bustling Facebook group thousands strong where you can meet fellow self-coaching students on the same journey you are, and so much more.  

Kara Loewentheil sitting at a table with lots of fresh fruit.


Sex and romantic relationships, work and time management, money mindset, nervous system activation, body image, eating and exercise habits, social relationships, and much more — whatever is not working in your life, we’ve got a course to solve it.

You may have tried to work on these areas before, and may have made some progress. But if the tools you were using weren’t designed to address the Brain Gap, then there’s still going to be a gap between the life you want and the one you’re experiencing now



Some students stay a few months, some stay a few years. It’s all up to you and your journey, and we’re there with you every step of the way.


Illustration of a greek sculpture bust.
The Feminist Mindset Fix

A month-long foundations course that teaches you cognitive-change tools you’ll use for the rest of your life. This is how you start to rewire your brain to heal from socially-programmed anxiety for good.

Illustration of a brain profile
Live Coaching Calls

Watch thought-change work happen in real time. Monthly calls with me, weekly calls with the Society Coaches, plus extra BIPOC-only calls lead by Certified Feminist Coaches of Color. 

Illustration of an ouroboros
Ask the Coaches

A 24/7 anonymous written coaching forum where you can submit whatever’s troubling you and get expert advice from one of my Feminist Self-Help Society Coaches, guaranteed. 

Illustration of a cut open pomegranate.
The Library

An enormous vault of searchable coaching advice so that you can get help with any problem immediately — in both written and audio resources for all learning styles.

Illustration of a pomegranate.
Signature Courses

Stick around after the 30 days and each month  you’ll unlock a feminist cognitive-based course for  improving any area of your life — including work stress, money, friendships, family, relationships, time management, sex, dating, trauma, the nervous system, and more. 

Illustration of laurel
(Optional) Facebook Group + STUDY HALLS

This vibrant space is full of smart, courageous women who love to help each other out with coaching questions, thought-change tactics, and new beliefs.

Community study halls meet 1-2 times/month.

Hello! Please come in, because school is in session — and I’m your teacher.


I’M KARA LOEWENTHEIL, founder of The School of New Feminist Thought and creator of The Feminist Self-Help Society. I’m the host of the internationally top-ranked podcast UnF*ck Your Brain, and the author of the forthcoming book “Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head — and How to Get It Out (Penguin 2024).


My work has been featured in publications like Glamour and The New York Times, and praised on podcasts as varied as “My Favorite Murder” to “We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle.”

Portrait of Kara Loewentheil
The Feminist Self-Help Society
Generations of women have lived unfulfilling, repressed, stunted lives 
because that’s all society taught them or allowed them to do.


The Society will teach you how.

You just have to be willing to turn the page and begin.

Illustration of a female greek sculpture bust.

In this community I found the peace I had been searching for my whole life.


I am deeply nostalgic for the explosion of learning that took place in my first two years here. I watched myself grow so quickly and in so many unexpected ways that it felt like magic.

Since joining The Society I have:
  • Doubled my salary
  • Found a job I truly love
  • Become my own best friend
  • Earned my master’s degree
  • Had my first romantic relationship
  • Completed two impossible goals
  • Run four 5ks, including my first 5k
  • Healed my platonic anxious attachment
  • Made enormous progress on my romantic anxious attachment
  • Stopped linking my self-worth and productivity
  • Learned to accept all of my emotions

ALL OF THESE CHANGES IN CIRCUMSTANCES pale in comparison to how different I feel as a person. You could transport me back to my life when I joined and my thoughts about it would be entirely different.

Thank you to Kara for the absolute magic you have bottled here for us. You have truly helped me become the person 
I have always wanted to be. I will be grateful for the rest of my life.

— Sarah

Raise your hand if you’ve got a question! Yes, you there. Go ahead. 

That depends on who you are. And how you define “expensive.” 

I define expensive not by how much money I invest in something, but by what I am getting for my investment. 

After all, $100,000 would be very expensive for a car (in my opinion) but an incredible steal on a two-bedroom apartment in New York City. 

Many of us spend $97 a month on getting fillers or dying our hair, buying skincare or makeup, or drinking/drugs/shopping to numb out from all the negative emotions we don’t know how to handle. 

I’m not here to shame you for any of that. I do some of these things myself — I own more red lipsticks than anyone could say are strictly necessary. 

But when we spend our money in these ways, the return is just … more of the same. We spend money on fillers and then we feel like we have to keep doing it to feel ok about how we look. We spend money on drinking our feelings away, and then we feel bad about that, and we have to spend more money on drinking those feelings away too. 

Investing in our own mental and emotional health and happiness is not spending money on something that disappears once used. 

It’s investing in a resource that gets more and more valuable in our lives each time we do.

You can keep getting the filler or not, but your self-esteem won’t depend on it anymore. That’s what freedom feels like. 

Hiring a 1:1 coach for a session once-a-week can easily cost thousands of dollars a month, and that doesn’t come with unlimited coaching, a library of high-level coaching courses, a database of coaching answers to search anytime, a supportive community, and everything else included in The Society.

So when it comes to investing in our mental and emotional health and happiness, and in creating freedom as women in a society that tries to keep us constrained, The Society is a steal.

After two months in The Society, you’ll start noticing that you just feel … a bit more chill.

Your emotions aren’t so much of a rollercoaster. You’re getting more done and starting to feel more confident about your abilities and your worth. You’re a little nicer to yourself. You’re spending less time scrolling Instagram feeling bad about yourself, and more time blowing your own mind with thought work in the The Society.

After four months in The Society, you’ll realize it’s been a while since you took sh*t personally.

Suddenly, without quite knowing how it happened, you just feel less judgmental of yourself and everyone around you. You won’t get freaked out when something unexpected happens, because you know you can handle it. You catch your reflection in the mirror and surprise yourself by thinking, “Damn girl, looking good!” You have more patience with yourself and those around you.

After six months in The Society, your brain starts coaching itself.

You’re naturally and effortlessly thinking more positive, productive, and helpful thoughts, and when you look back at your thoughts from month one, you don’t even recognize some of them anymore. You show up at work as the bad-ass you always knew you could be. You show up in your personal life as the magnetic, loving, and happy woman you always wanted to be. And most importantly you’re excited for the future, because you are so proud of the work you’ve already done that you can’t wait to find out where managing your mind and The Society are going to take you next!

And after that? The sky is the limit. And the one thing you know for sure is that The Society will be there to help you get wherever you want to go.

This is such a common question — and please don’t take this personally, but I think it’s the wrong question to ask. Women are socialized to think that they only deserve things they NEED and also that they NEED to make the right decision all the time. So we’re always trying to figure out if we “need” something to justify a decision.

But it’s not about what you need. It’s about what you WANT.

  • Do you WANT to feel less anxious?
  • Do you WANT to feel more empowered and confident?
  • Do you WANT to have absolute faith in your ability to create ANY outcome you want in your life?

If those are things you want, then that’s what matters. And that’s what The Society will provide.

This is a very normal fear! We’ve all been there.

First, there’s literally no such thing as doing everything or completing it all.

When you go to college you aren’t trying to take ALL the courses, are you? No. You take the ones relevant to your interests, and when you are fully educated in that you graduate. The Society is the same.

More importantly, The Society is designed differently, because I created it in such a way that it can make a big difference in your life even with very little time spent on it. You can spend 5 minutes a day or 5 hours a week, and you’ll see results.

I’m going to let one of The Society’s members tell you how big of a difference The Society can make even when don’t have a lot of time or aren’t the joining type.


I don’t get on the website often, and I don’t participate in coaching. I read others’ posts. I listen to the weekly podcast. That’s. It. 

So let me tell you all what happened yesterday. I got walked down to HR and was told they were eliminating my position. They offered me an 8-week severance and made me turn in my badge on the spot. I have a family with two small girls. I provide the majority of our income. 

Let me tell you what also happened yesterday. I didn’t lose my shit. I stood up for myself in that meeting and told them how much of a mistake they are making. I had my own back. I never cried. I came out of there feeling empowered, confident and resourceful. I have never once felt like a victim. They are the ones who lost and this is an opportunity for me to find and work for a company who values their employees, patient quality and patient care. 

You don’t have to be a star student in this group to see the effects. Two years ago I would have been crippled with devastation and doom. I would have lived as a victim and not helped myself. I would have had a lack of confidence and felt like an imposter. 

Not yesterday!

It’s up to you. We have folks who stay for three months, folks who stay for a year, and folks who have been in The Society since the beginning, several years ago. 

Your first month starts the day you join. After that you’ll be billed monthly. You can cancel at any time, whenever you want to graduate yourself from The Society and feel ready to handle life’s challenges on your own!

Absolutely not. Therapy and The Society work beautifully together.

In fact, we have members in The Society who were referred to us by their therapists, because therapists are not trained in socially-programmed anxiety and feminist thought tools!

No matter what kind of mental health treatment you are receiving, learning how to close the Brain Gap and resolve your socially-programmed anxiety is going to make your therapy more impactful and help your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors change more quickly.

I’m going to let one of our FSS members take the mic to answer this one. 

I just want to say that this stuff really works.

I just started a job in an industry I used to work in but stopped before I joined the FSS. I’m sitting here in awe of my own brain. 

I used to be SOOO stressed out and anxious and overwhelmed in this industry and completely burned myself out. 

Now I’m calmly setting boundaries, organizing tasks, offering encouragement to coworkers, saying ” no,” and thinking thoughts that are just MAGICAL compared to how I used to exist in this space. It’s surreal.

I literally feel like I’m going through life with a different software system. My brain is noticeably different.

– Sunny 

Nope! We have members all over the world, and we try to vary the times of our live offerings to make them accessible to different time zones. Plus all coaching calls and other live offerings are recorded and replays are available on demand so you can fit us into your schedule wherever you are. 

We also have members of all different ages, from their late teens into their 70s. It’s never too early or too late to start this work.

And we welcome anyone who was or is socialized as a woman, whatever your gender or current gender expression.

That’s not a problem. There’s no loyalty oath in The Society — our whole mission is to teach you how to think for yourself and believe what you truly want to believe!

We’ve got members who are ardent feminists, members who are sure they don’t want to call themselves feminists, and members who aren’t sure what they think about it.

The Society is not a good fit for you if you believe that women are an inferior gender and should not have equal rights. But other than that, you’re good. 

The podcast is an amazing resource, but it was created one episode at a time over many years, so it’s more like a series of advice columns on a million different topics in no particular order. And when you listen to a podcast, you can’t ask a question, get feedback on your attempts to implement what you learn, or get coaching when you’re stuck.

The Society not only has teaching and tools that aren’t on the podcast, but it is streamlined and organized. The courses have been put together to focus on specific topics with Kara’s most cutting-edge concepts and tools for those topics.

In The Society we’ve got everything you need, including content not on the podcast, and it’s perfectly streamlined and organized for fast, maximum change. Plus you have access to the coaching support you need to keep you moving in the right direction and using everything correctly!

But when you close the Brain Gap? When you cure socially-programmed anxiety? That’s when things really begin to change.  Don’t just take my word for it.


My work — including the same content and coaching that’s inside the Society — was part of a double-blind clinical study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association that showed coaching had a better outcome on measures of burnout, imposter syndrome, self-compassion and flourishing than almost any other intervention that had been studied in some of the same populations.


So, What does that mean for you?

Learn to cure your socially-programmed anxiety so that you can do…


We will teach you how to:

Get society’s expectations out of your head.
Decide what kind of life you really want to live.
Make it happen, and enjoy the ride.

Kara Loewentheil handing a pomegranate to a sculpture bust.
Not to get morbid but…


This is technically a  matter of life & death. After all — we all die someday. 
That’s how high the stakes of this work are. I don’t want you on your deathbed however many years from now, wishing you’d been kinder to yourself, hadn’t worked so hard, and had lived your life for YOU. That’s not far-fetched, because the research is pretty clear: those are some of the main regrets that people express when they are close to death.


So we know what we need to do now to avoid ending up feeling the same way: We have to make those changes.


That’s why I call feminist coaching “practical philosophy.” It’s a way of having the conversation we all should engage in with ourselves about what creates a good life, where we’re trying to go, and who we truly want to be.


It’s about living your life with bold intention, so that you won’t regret it when 
you die.

Illustration of a female greek sculpture bust.

I love being part of a global community of people who are all here to grow and learn and help each other. There isn’t really a part of my life that this work hasn’t improved. But the most important thing is that I feel like I’m actively living my life instead of just surviving it. It’s HUGE. It’s EVERYTHING.
