Your Feminist Future Self

Patriarchy-proof your goals. 

December 8th, 2024

10 A.M. – 4 P.M.

Imagine who you would be if you…

:: Started refusing to skirt conflict or worry about bringing up sensitive issues (especially politics) and instead, you were someone who confidently spoke up about what you want and need and knew how to communicate to get it?

:: Stopped putting your creativity to the side (writing that book, starting that podcast, selling your art, etc.), AND used it to put your much-needed voice out into the world? 

:: Became the kind of person who lets yourself make that big, bold, fulfilling career move, and start hitting your goals… right out of the gate?

:: Stopped wishing “someday” you could travel more, and instead actually sold the house and hit the road, with a full year, round-trip ticket to see the world?

:: Caught your kid, niece, or nephew telling their friends how proud of you they are, and how much they want to be like you when they grow up, because you go after your dreams?

Women crowded together over a book.

When we think about the kind of person we want to be, we tend to focus on the ACTIONS we would need to take to get there. 

But your actions come from your thoughts, and the way you’re socialized. 

So to change who you are, you have to start changing the way you think about yourself FIRST.

Why is it so hard to apply for a new job? 

It’s not because there aren’t a million websites about how to update your resume out there. 

It’s because you don’t identify as someone who can get any job she wants (because patriarchal socialization has told you that’s much easier for men than women.)

Why is it so hard to work out consistently?

It’s not because there aren’t a million exercise programs you can screenshot on Instagram. 

It’s because you don’t identify as someone who loves to work out (or you don’t want to look “too bulky”, because women are supposed to be slim and trim.) 

Why is it so hard to speak up about politics at the Thanksgiving table without getting flustered or wanting to cry?

It’s not because you don’t believe strongly in your values and ideas. 

It’s because you don’t identify as someone who can speak her truth no matter how anyone else reacts (because women are trained to be accommodating people pleasers.)

And until you learn how to patriarchy-proof your goals? This challenges will keep reappearing.

We all think we need to act our way into becoming someone new.

But actually, we need to believe our way into acting differently.

And we get there by learning to spot and interrogate the patriarchal social programming that conditions our thoughts and beliefs.

Our thoughts create our emotions, which drive our actions. 

So when we try to just “act differently” without examining what we’ve been conditioned to believe, it never works. 

(How many times have you vowed to just DO something differently and then… not… done that? 

No shame my friend, I was like that too, before I learned how to coach myself.)

So we have to patriarchy-proof the way we set goals — a.k.a. change the social programming, thoughts, and beliefs that are driving our actions.

We have to figure out not what we need to DO, but what we need to UNDO, and who we need to become. 

That’s where your Feminist Future Self comes in.

Not because your future self needs to become a feminist activist over the next four years (although it’s awesome if she wants to.

But because your future self is the version of you that exists after you’ve started the identity shift you want inside your own mind. 

She’s the version of you that has shed the patriarchal programming that keeps you worried about what other people think, giving up too quickly,  avoiding risk, fearing shame and failure, and putting your dreams, passions, and goals on the back burner to take care of everyone else forever. 

This kind of programming keeps women living far from the edge of what their capacities, talent, and potential would truly allow them to do.

And in a very special all-day workshop, I want you show you exactly how to break free of this programming, by connecting to that “future you” — no crystal ball or *~manifestation~* required.

Your Feminist Future Self is a cognitive technique that helps you reach your goals, and deprogram yourself from patriarchal standards.

It’s a self-coaching technique I’ve used to create every “How dare she!” outcome and every emotional growth pattern in my life, including:

:: Creating an internationally top-ranked podcast, getting a major book deal, and orchestrating a huge debut book campaign, and hitting the NYT bestseller list while also running my multi-seven-figure business in the middle of an economic shake-up.

:: Going from anxiety-ridden, dead-end dating and situationships, to being engaged to a truly committed, equal, smart, handsome, funny, and yes … feminist man.

:: Healing my relationship with food and my body enough to stop binging and purging and build a consistent movement routine.

:: Embracing curveballs I didn’t expect, like becoming a step-parent after being intentionally childless for decades.

:: Managing my mind about my fears of anti-semitism in the first Trump presidency, and going on to be able to teach thousands of women how to find empowerment during those challenging four years.

As I think about this work and who my future self is, she becomes more tangible. Like – I’m realizing – my future self is not too far off. She feels very accomplishable.” 

— katie

Even if you already consider yourself an ambitious person, with goals for next year…

What would 2025 look like if you didn’t shrink or let fear or inertia keep you small – if you got bigger and bolder instead?

What if there was a way to see even bigger possibilities for your own future, without immediately worrying about what might go wrong (or who might judge you?)

Because it’s true that we can’t control a lot of what happens in the world – 

(Forget big-picture politics, we can’t even control if our boss texts us after hours or if our kids fight in the car, no matter how hard we try.) 

But we can control who we are going to be when we meet the many moments of our lives — the glorious ones, the tragic ones, and all of the daily ones in between.

And we can make absolutely sure we stop trying to conform to impossible patriarchal standards.

And we can make sure we refuse to shrink.

The last round of this training was in such high demand, we had more than 600 women registered for it. 

And because this skill is more important now than ever – we want to make sure that you can join us, too.

How do you know if your goals have been co-opted by sexist social programming?

Well, does any of this sound familiar?

The way women are socialized under patriarchy is a huge part of why we struggle to dream bigger, trust ourselves sooner, confront issues directly, and make bigger, more audacious asks.

Women are taught that their greatest worth is in what we can do for others (as partners, mothers, and “nurturers”) — while men are taught their greatest value is in what they can achieve.

Despite the fact women and the feminist movement have come SO far, this conditioning is centuries old, and continues to wreak havoc in our thoughts and brains, no matter how empowered we feel we are.

That’s why, even if you KNOW how smart you are, with a list of achievements to prove it — you might still hesitate to push your goals further and ask for what you need. 

You still talk yourself down to what feels “realistic.” Especially when the world seems so uncertain and there’s so much doom and gloom around you (and inside your own brain, sometimes!)

You still beat yourself up about being seen as selfish, or overly-ambitious, or undeserving of what you want, or overly privileged for even caring about your own dreams right now. (Don’t see a lot of men being told that, do you?) 

The good news is? There’s a way to overcome that socialization and conditioning. 

But it can only happen when you learn how to spot it, coach yourself to change it, and dare to think even bigger.

Which is exactly what I’m teaching you in this workshop.

Join us for:

Your Feminist Future Self:

Learn how to patriarchy-proof your goals. 

December 8, 2024 @ 10 a.m. ET – 4 p.m. ET

Hosted on Zoom. Replays available.

(If you can’t afford the registration fee, financial assistance is available! Please email and we will help you out.)

Kara Loewentheil sitting between two sculpture busts in a pink dress.

The Feminist Future Self Workshop was such an amazingly insightful and educational day! 

— claire


NYT bestselling author of Take Back Your Brain, Creator of The School of New Feminist Thought, and Host of the UnF*ck Your Brain podcast (50M downloads and counting).

I’m a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Yale College and got my J.D. at Harvard Law School (with honors no less). I clerked on a federal appeals court, litigated reproductive rights, and ran a think tank at Columbia Law School before deciding to . . . quit my extremely prestigious law career to become a life coach, of course! Best decision I ever made.

Now I run a seven-figure coaching business created around my signature feminist coaching program, The Feminist Self-Help Society. I teach women how to become anyone they want to be by removing the mental and emotional barriers society has programmed into their brains.

My work has been featured in publications like The New York Times and Glamour Magazine and recommended by podcasts as diverse as “We Can Do Hard Things” with Glennon Doyle to “My Favorite Murder.” I’ve spoken everywhere from Kirkland & Ellis to Google. I pioneered most of the feminist coaching concepts out there, and my work continues to be on the cutting edge of this field. I firmly believe that self-coaching is the next frontier of the feminist revolution.

What will you learn in the Feminist Future Self Workshop?

:: How to pick one area in your life or world that you want to see change — mental, emotional, relational, physical, professional, artistic, financial, etc. — and push yourself to think bigger

:: Methods for spotting the subconscious blocks you have around your goals and ambitions put there by patriarchy (so you can reprogram and ultimately remove them!)

:: A powerful cognitive practice to access a new level of belief and strategic thinking so you can gain momentum, and blast through obstacles more easily.

:: The art of coaching yourself, in a full day of interactive workshopping, with plenty of time to ask questions, and get coached by me. 

This isn’t your average how-to class — it’s an interactive immersion designed to shift your brain in just a few hours.

Kara Loewentheil sitting at a computer.

Workshop Schedule:

10 AM ET – 12 PM ET

:: Understanding Your Socialization (Part 1) – Grasping patriarchy’s impact on your brain 

:: Live coaching 

12 PM – 1 PM ET

:: Lunch & learn coaching with our team of Society coaches. 

1:30 PM ET – 3 PM ET

:: Connecting to your Feminist Future Self, using cognitive exercises to rewire your brain.

:: Live coaching

3 PM – 4 PM ET

:: Overcoming subconscious blocks to growth

:: Live coaching 

:: Closing exercises & takeaways

Kara looking up beside a bust statue.

When I teach live events in person they cost anywhere from $5,000 – $10,000 for two or three days. 

But right now we need all of us accessing our Feminist Future Selves – and the world they can create. 

So you can join me for this full day virtual experience for just $97. 

(And if you can’t attend live, we’ll share a replay as well!)

Thank you so much Kara for today – it has been an amazing journey that will definitely continue. Thanks also to the other Society coaches and thanks to everyone for sharing today too. All of this has made such an amazingly insightful and educational day!

— Claire

Your feminist future self is waiting.

 Don’t you want to meet her? 

I know I do. 

Join us for: 

Your Feminist Future Self 

Patriarchy-proof your goals. 

Become the kind of woman who can grow in any climate. 

(If you can’t afford the registration fee, financial assistance is available! Please email and we will help you out.)
