Bonus #1: Two 45-minute Q&A calls for program participants, hosted by Kara on January 7 at 3 p.m. ET, and February 11 at 1 p.m. ET (replays available).
This bonus disappears after November 7.
Bonus #2: Unlock an exclusive selection of our most advanced feminist coaching tools to use directly with clients and for your clients to use between sessions.
This bonus disappears after November 15.
Have questions about the program?
Join Kara’s program Q&A call on November 6 at 5 p.m. ET.
In exchange for access to this deeply reduced BETA pricing, you must be willing to provide detailed feedback on the materials through weekly surveys.
Proof of therapeutic license will be required, whether or not you are currently offering therapy.
Feminist thought work brought an entirely new layer to my therapeutic practice.
I specialize in addictions & trauma & I found it extremely beneficial to incorporate the feminist lens for post-traumatic growth. This work transformed my relationship with myself & empowered me to facilitate deeper transformation with my patients.
– Sasia
And when it comes to women, it’s not just evolutionary biology or cognitive psychology or their family histories at play.
It’s what they believe they are allowed.
It’s what they believe they can accomplish.
Almost every woman in the world grows up in a white supremacist society, or in a society impacted by the white supremacism colonialist powers have exported around the globe.
Almost every woman in the world grows up exposed not only to sexism, but to racism, sizeism, ableism, and a host of other intersecting structures of oppression and marginalization.
This is especially challenging because as a human in society, you have also received all of this same socialization! So you’re swimming around in the same pool.
So when you try to help a woman with therapeutic tools that don’t take this deeply into account?
You’re bringing a butter knife to a sword fight.
And you don’t understand the history, theory, and impacts of the social forces that have shaped their experiences, minds, and lives?
Because no matter how many intersecting identities you live in or forms of marginalization you’ve experienced, there are others you don’t know about first-hand. This certification will teach you about your blind spots, and will deepen your experience of yourself as a multi-faceted therapist and human being as well.
After I started implementing this perspective a client said to me: “Where did you learn how to be a therapist? Because I’ve been in and out of therapy and I’ve never done it like this … “
– Katy
Even if you went to a great school.
Even if you’ve been practicing a long time.
If you haven’t been trained in the theory and practice of feminist-specific mental health, you’re probably still missing a key part of the picture when it comes to understanding why your women clients struggle with so many similar thought patterns.
Which means you’re missing crucial knowledge that would make it easier to help them shift those thought patterns faster, with less distress, and with less self-blame.
And you can’t truly understand what is happening in women’s brains and how to help them change their lives without it.
“What I loved most about [this work] is that I was seen.”
As a woman that belongs to a number of marginalized groups it was amazing to see myself reflected back in this curriculum and have acknowledgement of my experience in the world! If you are thinking about enrolling the only question should be when. And I suggest that the answer should be as soon as possible!
– Sonia
Whether you consider yourself a feminist through and through ...
Because if your clients have absorbed social messaging about women, then their brains have been impacted by it. Full stop.
And that means if you want to help them effectively, then you have to understand these impacts so you can help undo them.
And strangely, whether you identify as a feminist or not doesn’t have anything to do with having this skill set.
Once you have completed Feminist Theory for Mental Health, you will:
NOTE: Because this is the initial round of the program, this is the lowest this price will ever be.
In exchange for access to this pricing, you must be willing to provide detailed feedback on the materials through weekly surveys. Proof of therapeutic license will be required, whether or not you are currently offering therapy.
I’m Kara Loewentheil, the creator of The School of New Feminist Thought, host of the internationally top-ranked podcast “UnF*ck Your Brain,” and the author of the New York Times-Bestseller, “Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society gets in Your Head — and How to Get It Out.”
After graduating from Yale University, I worked as a media writer for Planned Parenthood before enrolling in Harvard Law School, where I was the President of the board of directors of the national organization, Law Students for Reproductive Justice. I clerked on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and then litigated at the Center for Reproductive Rights. After that I held academic fellowships at Yale and Columbia, before leaving the law to become a coach. I pioneered feminist life coaching, and now more than fifteen thousand women have participated in my flagship program, The Feminist Self-Help Society.
After years of having therapists join my programs and tell me how much they learned that was missing from their education and clinical training, I decided it was time to reach therapists directly. From 2021-2023 I ran a successful advanced certification in feminist coaching for other coaches, and now my goal is to expand this program to include other mental health professionals.
Because coaching and therapy were both created mostly by straight, white, Christian men. And it’s time the rest of us had a say.
“I never thought of myself as a feminist. This course is more than that label.”
It is about being a powerful woman on earth and understanding all the ways society has set up systems to remove women’s power. And all the ways we can support ourselves and our clients to reclaim and cultivate and magnify our power and use it for good. So whether you actively think about yourself as a feminist or not, do not let that stop you from signing up. You will learn so much more than you can imagine right now.
– Maggie
(You can pay in full or in three monthly installments of $499.)
Bonus #1: Two 45-minute Q&A calls for program participants, hosted by Kara on January 7 at 3 p.m. ET, and February 11 at 1 p.m. ET (replays available).
This bonus disappears after November 7.
Bonus #2: Unlock an exclusive selection of our most advanced feminist coaching tools to use directly with clients and for your clients to use between sessions.
This bonus disappears after November 15.
(Curious to know more about the certification, and speak with Kara Loewentheil?
Join our Open House and Q&A call on November 6 at 5 p.m. ET. Add this call to your calendar here.)
Your job as a therapist is to help your clients free their minds.
All the rest will follow.
The most valuable part of this work was learning about why we think the way we think.
I finally have the words and explanations for what I’ve been experiencing and witnessing. It all makes sense now.
—Brig Johson