And when it comes to women, it’s not just evolutionary biology or cognitive psychology or their family histories at play.
It’s what they believe they can accomplish.
And you don’t understand the history, theory, and impacts of the social forces that have shaped their experiences, minds and lives?
Because matter how many intersecting identities you live in or forms of marginalization you’ve experienced, there are others you don’t know about first-hand. This certification will teach you about your blind spots, and will deepen your experience of yourself as a multi-faceted therapist and human being as well.
Even if you went to a great school.
Even if you’ve been practicing a long time.
What you need is a holistic social, political, historical, and intellectual lens on women’s minds, personal change, and social progress.
And you can’t truly understand what is happening in women’s brains and how to help them change their lives without it.
Whether you consider yourself a feminist through and through...
Once you have completed Socialization-Based Essentials for Therapists, you will:
When this program was taught as an advanced certification for coaches, it was a $15,000 investment.
We are offering this self-study beta version of the course to a very limited group of therapist program testers for $1,499. (No, that’s not a typo!)
In exchange for access to this pricing, you must be willing to provide detailed feedback on the materials through weekly surveys. Proof of therapeutic license will be required, whether or not you are currently offering therapy.
You can produce great results, take risks, and handle it when things don’t go as planned. You know your worth, you advocate for it, and you knock your role out of the park. And when you go home at night, your work brain turns off just like your office light.
Now I’m not and I didn’t even have to quit my job to do it which seems like a miracle from where I was last year. I don’t live every waking minute terrified about what my boss is thinking and I’m actually okay with him thinking negative thoughts about me.
I’m Kara Loewentheil, the creator of The School of New Feminist Thought, host of the internationally top-ranked podcast UnF*ck Your Brain, and the author of the New York Times-bestseller “Take Back Your Brain: How Sexist Thinking Traps You – and How to Break Free” (Penguin 2024).
After graduating from Yale University, I worked as a media writer for Planned Parenthood before enrolling in Harvard Law School, where I was the President of the Board of Directors of the national organization Law Students for Reproductive Justice. I clerked on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and then litigated at the Center for Reproductive Rights. After that I held academic fellowships at Yale and Columbia, before leaving the law to become a coach. I pioneered feminist life coaching, and now more than fifteen thousand women have participated in my flagship program, The Feminist Self-Help Society.
After years of having therapists join my programs and tell me how much they learned that was missing from their education and clinical training, I decided it was time to reach therapists directly. From 2021-2023 I ran a successful advanced certification in feminist coaching for other coaches, and now my goal is to expand this program to include other mental health professionals. Because coaching and therapy were both created mostly by straight white Christian men. And it’s time the rest of us had a say.
Compassionate Self-Inquiry
Feminist Practice Principles
Intersectional Feminist Theory
Intersectional Integration and Self- Reflection
Work and Professional Life
Body Image
Health, Food, and Movement
Friendship and Social Relationships
Dating and Romantic Relationships
Family, Parenting, and Household
Relationship with self, Confidence, and Self-Improvement
Social Justice
Your job as a therapist is to help your clients free their minds.
All the rest will follow.