The Feminist Anxiety Fix

Monday, August 5 @ 12 P.M. ET

A free training for women who want to feel less anxious, more confident, and finally get their brain to shut up so they can get on with their lives!

Women experience a specific kind of anxiety caused by the social messages we absorb from the world about how we need to look, act, and behave.

 It’s called socially-programmed anxiety.

The usual suspects (yoga, meditation, exercise, etc.) don’t resolve it… because they Don’t target the source of the problem.

This free training does.

My life is better every single day because of this work. I’m more relaxed, less anxious, and more confident in all areas of my life. I am using thought work to address chronic pain, work issues, and it has made all of my relationships better.



You know that low-level hum of self-doubt and self-criticism that never goes away?

That voice in your head that second-guesses everything from how you phrased that email, to what you ate for lunch, to whether you picked the right life partner?

Nothing is too big or too small for it to have an opinion, amirite?

Lots of us literally hear this voice.

Some of us may not. Instead we just feel stressed all the time. We feel anxious, guilty, or insecure several times a day (or, you know, an hour) — and we aren’t even sure why.

It’s something called socially-programmed anxiety.

A gold statue of Medusa's head with various fruits in the background.



Thoughts like:


  • “If I look old, no one is going to want to date me.”
  • “I’m not qualified to apply for that job.”
  • “I’m a bad mom for being bored by, or mad at, my kids.”
  • “If I say no to something someone asks me to do, I’m being selfish.”
  • “I don’t know what I’m doing (can apply to literally anything including things you actually do know how to do!).”
Kara Loewentheil sitting between two sculpture busts in a pink dress.

If any of that sounds familiar, you’ve probably found that the usual solutions don’t work.

Yoga, meditation, exercise, affirmations, “positive thinking” — none of them get rid of these thoughts permanently.

That’s because those solutions can work for some kinds of anxiety.

But not for socially-programmed anxiety.

I can teach you how to turn it off, for good.

The solution is changing your brain.

(Sure, society needs to change too.
But in the meantime, you’ve got a life to live.
And it would be nice to actually feel good while you do.)

Society has taught you how to think a certain way. But you can learn how to think differently.

  • Making effortless decisions about everything from what to eat for lunch to how to handle a business problem or an acting-out kid. No guilt, no shame, no self-doubt or second-guessing required.
  • Going to bed feeling proud of the day you had and feeling excited about the next day to come.
  • Feeling grounded, confident and empowered no matter what challenging circumstance comes up – even if those circumstances are your kids, or partner. 
  • Stressful email from your boss? You’re cool as a cucumber when you respond.
  • A friend gets mad you skipped their baby shower? You know how to make it up to her without turning on yourself.
  • Having tools to turn your anxiety around and have a good day no matter what – even when you’re having an “I hate my clothes and everything in the world” attack at 9 a.m. 

Socially-programmed anxiety impacts every area of your life.

Which means that solving it is going to improve every area of your life as well.

That’s what The Feminist Anxiety Fix is here to teach you.


You don’t have to be a feminist to take this training, by the way. 


It’s called the Feminist Anxiety Fix because it was created to solve problems that women have because they live in a society with unequal expectations for men and women.


How you identify is up to you. But your socially-programmed anxiety isn’t going to go away on its own. And you need a fix that targets the root of the problem.


Inside this training, you’ll learn exactly how society programs your brain without you even knowing, so that you can learn to identify the problem thoughts and actually change them.

How do you know it’s going to be worth your time?
Glad you asked.

My work was part of a double-blind study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open that showed the kind of thought-change work I teach produces significant improvements in burnout, imposter syndrome, self-compassion and flourishing. Even my most skeptical doctor relative who is a tenured epidemiologist at the NIH was impressed. 😉

You’ve got nothing to lose and an entirely different brain (and life) to gain.

Monday, August 5 @ 12 p.m. ET.

I’m less prone to extended periods of depression and anxiety because I’m so much more able to see how much of that experience I was creating with my thoughts! My friends and family tell me all the time how different I am now.

— ElishA


Creator of the School of New Feminist Thought, Host of the UnF*ck Your Brain podcast (40M downloads and counting) and NYT bestselling author of “Take Back Your Brain” (Penguin Life 2024).

I’m a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Yale College and got my J.D. at Harvard Law School (with honors no less). I clerked on a federal appeals court, litigated reproductive rights, and ran a think tank at Columbia Law School before deciding to . . . quit my extremely prestigious law career to become a life coach, of course! Best decision I ever made.

Now I run a seven-figure coaching business created around my signature feminist coaching program, The Feminist Self-Help Society. I teach women how to cure socially-programmed anxiety by changing the way they think about themselves, for good. My work has been featured in publications like The New York Times and Glamour Magazine and recommended by podcasts as diverse as “We Can Do Hard Things” with Glennon Doyle to “My Favorite Murder.” I pioneered most of the feminist coaching concepts out there, and my work continues to be on the cutting edge of this field. I firmly believe that self-coaching is the next frontier of the feminist revolution.

If you want to learn how to solve your socially-programmed anxiety, you know what to do.

Monday, August 5 @ 12 p.m. ET