Before you go! We’ve got something special just for you…


Offer Price:

NOTE: this deal is limited to one $20 workshop ticket per challenge enrollee

Enjoy your summer — then join us to harness the “back to school energy” this September for:

Your Feminist Future Self:
Change Your Life, Change the World

An all-day, LIVE virtual workshop on September 8, 2024

Hosted on Zoom (Replay Available)

The Happy Feminist Challenge will teach you the first steps to changing your thinking … but how do you know what to change your thoughts TO?

If your thoughts are the GPS to your life, how do you know what destination to program in?

That’s where Your Feminist Future Self Workshop comes in.

I have used the technique of connecting to my feminist future self to create every outcome and every emotional growth pattern in my life, including:

  • Starting a business from scratch with no training and turning it into a multi seven-figure company.
  • Going from anxiety-ridden, dead-end dating and situationships to being engaged to a truly committed, equal, smart, handsome, funny, and yes, feminist man.
  • Healing my relationship with food and my body enough to stop binging and purging and build a consistent movement routine.
  • Creating an internationally top-ranked podcast, getting a major book deal, and orchestrating a huge debut book campaign while also running my business in the middle of an economic shake-up.
  • Learning to love not only what I see in the mirror (my external self) but who I am inside — becoming my own best friend in the process.

Every single one of these accomplishments — and the dozen others I haven’t listed — required me to connect to my feminist future self.

And now I’m going to teach you to do it too.

On September 8, 2024, I’m hosting this workshop all about this process– and I’d love to have you join me.

At the workshop, you’ll pick an outcome you really want to create in your life — mental, emotional, relational, physical, professional, artistic, financial — whatever it is.

And I’ll teach you how to connect to your feminist future self to create it.

I normally only teach full-day workshops inside The Feminist Self Help Society, where they are only open to our annual members who have invested almost $1,000 — or more — over the course of their time with us.

But because you’ve already joined us for The Happy Feminist Challenge?

You can get a ticket to this workshop for only $20 if you buy right now!

Your feminist future self is waiting. Don’t you want to meet her? I know I do.

See you in September.

Kara’s live teaching and what she brings are like nothing I’ve ever seen. She is real, funny, and has been doing thought work long enough to really easily coach others and make such a great impact. The work is so refreshing, empowering, and more. Thank you!!!


I loved watching Kara coach. It’s magical! Her coaching is a blend of compassion and tough love and straightforward logic that makes you laugh, cry, and want to go forth and be unstoppable. I left her event feeling energized, just by working on my own thoughts throughout the day based on Kara’s coaching of others.


I knew that the event I attended would be great, but it exceeded all my expectations. The coaching was really powerful: Seeing Kara cut through all the different kinds of BS that our brains come up with is so helpful, and I know that I will get something different out of it every time I go back to watch it again.