The Feminist Anxiety Fix

Thursday, April 11 @ 12 P.M. ET

A free training for women who want to feel less anxious, more confident, and finally get their brain to shut up so they can get on with their lives!

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

  • What socially-programmed anxiety is, and how to neutralize it when it pops up
  • The unexpected place your “I’m not enough” fears originate (not attractive enough/nice enough/smart enough/qualified enough/a good enough parent — you name it, they all have the same origin)
  • A science-backed approach to coaching your own brain into a more calm, confident state quickly
  • And more…

Society has taught you how to think a certain way. 

But you can learn how to think differently.

  • Making effortless decisions about everything from what to eat for lunch to how to handle a business problem or an acting-out kid. No guilt, no shame, no self-doubt or second-guessing required.
  • Going to bed feeling proud of the day you had and feeling excited about the next day to come.
  • Feeling grounded, confident and empowered no matter what challenging circumstance comes up – even if those circumstances are your kids, or partner. 
  • Stressful email from your boss? You’re cool as a cucumber when you respond.
  • A friend gets mad you skipped their baby shower? You know how to make it up to her without turning on yourself.
  • Having tools to turn your anxiety around and have a good day no matter what – even when you’re having an “I hate my clothes and everything in the world” attack at 9 a.m. 

The Key To All The Above = Learning To Change Your Brain.

That’s what I’m here to teach you – absolutely free. Let’s go.