Kara Loewentheil holding a pomegranate in front of a bookshelf in a gold dress.

Love Hacks

A special limited-edition private podcast by Kara Loewentheil


You can start using this exclusive series of concrete, actionable teachings and practices immediately to create more love – romantic love, friend love, family love, and self-love – in your life.

I used to think that love was something that would happen to me – as long as I conformed to a prescribed societal standard …

…I’d find my perfect partner as long as I didn’t speak my mind too much.

…I’d be adored by my friends as long as I didn’t rock the boat by speaking up when I thought they were doing something they’d regret. 

…I’d feel respected by my family and colleagues as long as I followed the safe, stable career path they thought was right for me.

…I would love myself as long as I lost enough weight to have a certain body size.

Kara Loewentheil sitting between two sculpture busts in a pink dress.
A gold statue of Medusa's head with various fruits in the background.

We all have the power to create more love – romantic love, friend love, family love, and self-love – by learning to change our thoughts about love.

And that’s exactly what I’ll teach you to do in The Love Hacks, a special limited-edition private podcast.

Each bite-size episode focuses on one type of love and will give you concrete teachings and actionable practices you can start using immediately to begin cultivating more love now.

Enjoy four unique episodes, plus a few bonuses I’ve got up my sleeves, too!

Photo of testimonial provider Jenni

I feel different, lighter. I know I have options in how I think, 
and even with difficult thoughts that I’m still picking apart, because I’ve had changes happen already, there’s this whiff of possibility in the air. I had been diagnosed with severe anxiety a few years ago but it feels much more manageable now.
