As we’re nearing the end of the year, everyone’s thoughts are turning to resolutions and how daunting they can be.

It is extremely easy to make many New Year’s resolutions and not stick with any of them. We often decide we’re going to lose weight, take up creative hobbies, get better at money management and so on, only to fall back to our old routines shortly after we decide to make these positive changes in our lives.

On this episode, I want to help you turn the tide of the making and keeping resolutions process. Join me as I share two powerful tools for keeping your commitments and reaching any goal 100% of the time. We take a look at how choice overwhelm and decision fatigue hold us back and dive into the strategy that will help you achieve success in the new year and beyond.

If you would like some help with this work, visit to learn more about the Clutch.

What You’ll Learn From this Episode:

  • The role constraint plays in the resolution making and keeping process.
  • How, contrary to the popular belief, constraint can create freedom in your life.
  • The number of resolutions you should take on at a time.
  • Why you absolutely must make resolutions for the “right” reasons.
  • What it means to take massive action toward a goal and why it’s crucial to this process.

Listen to the Full Episode:

Featured on the Show:

  • If you want to liberate yourself from self-doubt, insecurity, anxiety, and fear visit to learn more about the Clutch.

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