Podcast Episodes

July 4th Newsletter

The secret to not caring what other people think Have you ever wanted to stop being a people-pleaser? I imagine many of you are nodding your heads “yes.” People-pleasing is a thing that we want to stop doing, but the advice we usually get for how to do it is

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From Dream to Reality: My Book Debuts as a #1 Bestseller! It’s a little surreal to wake up and find out that your book is an instant national best seller. Take Back Your Brain debuted at number one on the USA Today nonfiction bestseller list yesterday morning! 🎉 But between

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Three Money Mindset Lessons All Women Need

My Feminist Business Mastermind met in-person a few weeks ago and it was unbelievably inspiring to watch coaches come together to grow their businesses in ways that align with their values. One of the ways we do this is by questioning everything. Asking why we do the things we do

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Less than ten years ago, I was living in a completely different world. My fellow social justice colleagues and I were advocating for reproductive rights.  There was no question that everyone around me was committed to advancing women’s rights. (If they happened to not identify as feminist it wasn’t because

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A few weeks ago I attended a mastermind hosted by my life coaching school where I also met up with a smaller mastermind group making 7+ figures in their business. The women in this room were making anywhere from $1 million all the way up to nearly $20 million. All

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One of the ironies of trying to work on being defensive is that, well, when we are feeling defensive we get defensive when it’s pointed out. 😂 So if you feel defensive reading this, that’s normal. But I want to talk about it anyway because defensiveness actually blocks our growth.

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